Divine Infinite Intelligence (Bonus)
In all of creation and in my way of thinking there is only one law that can change a man’s way of thinking. It’s the Universal Law of the Power of Prayer and Divine Infinite Intelligence. You can’t find this law anywhere in the world or for that matter anywhere in the universe.
Because the law is so powerful it’s just a figment of my imagination. With this law there are no limitations to keep you from achieving the American Dream, success in all things.
If it’s just your imagination what makes you so sure that this is so almighty powerful?
Because when I desperately needed help I used the power of prayer to communicate with God and God showed me where to find the power that’s hidden in all of us. As strange as it may seem God told me to use my imagination. You too can use your imagination and unlock this power, it’s called the power of positive thinking, the power to get rid of all your negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations.
Where do I find this power and how do I tap into it?
The power lies dormant in your unconscious mind just waiting to be activated to empower you to a new and more meaningful life. You start with the power of prayer and let God become your constant companion. Communicate with God through his Infinite Intelligence. He will open the doors where the power is hiding and show you the way to wake up this power and use it to its full potential.
How can I possibly believe what you are saying?
In order to believe me you must have faith. Faith will allow you to see God and follow in his footsteps. God has given us a wonderful and amazing gift, faith for the unknown journeys in our lives. The ability to have faith has always allowed people to experience victories and fulfill their dreams. Have faith in me that what I am telling you is true and attainable. Have faith in yourself that you can overcome any obstacle and reach out for the improbable dream.
Please tell me why you are sharing this amazing discovery with me?
I’ve reached most of my important goals and now I’m successful, happy and free. I honestly think that I was given a mission through Gods Divine Infinite Intelligence. So now I have set a new goal and that is to help anyone with a true desire to better their life and the lives of the people around them. Your success is my reward for the help I am willing to give.
If I put my faith in you will you help me get started on this tomorrow?
I can see that one of the first things that I need to help you with is your unconscious habit to procrastinate. Sure, tomorrows a brand new day but today has to be lived to its fullest potential. Never put off until tomorrow what can be done or at least started today. So often when things are put off they never get done.
Let’s start today by getting rid of your habit to procrastinate. If you will, please sit down in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and relax, take three deep breaths, breathing in as deep as you can, slowly exhale each time, now tell yourself you are completely relaxed, expel all your problems and stress, see them leave your body, feel the warmth of the blood flowing through your body, let each part of your body leave your body accept for your mind and your spirit, now you are in a state where your subconscious mind can accept positive suggestions. Tell yourself that you are happy, healthy and free, repeat it several times now tell yourself that you will definitely take care of everything that needs to be done today because that’s the kind of person I am (always use the pronouns I or Me), repeat this several times, now slowly count backwards from 10 to 1, when you reach 1 tell yourself when you open your eyes you’ll be comfortable and fully alert, congratulate yourself, you have just programmed your first positive affirmation.
Do you see how easy that was? I make all the exercises that will change your way of thinking as simple and easy as possible. You’ve taken a big step today by starting the process that will eliminate your habit of procrastinating. Do the above exercise 10 days in a row, at least once a day; for the next 10 days do it every other day and when you are finished you’ll never procrastinate again. It will be a habit you will unconsciously do, just like breathing.
Okay, I’ll never procrastinate again, at least I don’t think I will, so what do we do now?
First before we go on, let me make you aware of this; never say never, don’t say I won’t and don’t say I will not, when using affirmations always be positive, the subconscious mind will not accept negative affirmations.
Now we want to set goals in order to find success you have to know what you want, how you are going to get what you want and what you are going to do when you get what you want. Setting goals is the first step and probably the most important step in achieving success. Put your goals into words, write down what you want to achieve then write down a plan to make it possible, be precise and don’t leave anything out. Post your written word in several places where you can see it and read it. Review every day the steps you have taken to reach your goal. Review your goal and your actions until they become an obsession. Let yourself know that you want this more than anything else. I can’t remember where I first heard this comment "A good goal should scare you a little - and excite you a lot." but you can bet your life that it’s true. . If your current goals don’t both scare and excite you set goals that are a little more challenging. Set your goals high but be realistic and keep them within reach.
I’ve done all this so when do I use the power of positive thinking?
What I want to do for you, and I will, if you let me, is stimulate your thought process and motivate your desires, together we will find the tools along the way. Getting started is the hardest part of any job. If you have the courage to start then with the proper motivation you will have the courage to finish. Keep away from the people who want to belittle your ambitions, small people do that, but the really great make you feel like you too can be really great.
Before I continue, I want to ask you a question. Have you been using prayer the most powerful step of all? Communicating with God using Infinite Intelligence can make your trip to success much easier and make it a reality. I conceive prayer as the practice of the presence of God. The place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made. Prayer is the act of admitting our need, adopting humility and claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the needful practice of the believer. Prayer is my exercise for faith and hope. Prayer is the privilege of touching the heart of the God through Divine Intelligence. Don’t forget God is the power that makes all these things possible. With Him on your side there is no way you can lose.
Yes I’ve used prayer, but I’m not sure He is listening.
Don’t demand his attention; give thanks for what you have got. God will help you help yourself; He’s not going to do the work for you. That’s something you have to do on your own.
Thank you I’ll try to show more humility. I won’t try; I will be humble and thank Him for his help and understanding.
That’s more like it so now let’s start using meditation to change your way of thinking. By the way, whether you know it or not we have been using the power of positive thinking ever since I introduced you to the first exercise. Now it’s going to become more exciting and more powerful.
I want you to recognize that we are dealing with three human factors, the mind the body and the spirit. They all work together as one so it’s important to keep them all happy and healthy.
When meditating several important things happen physically and mentally. We "focus internally" and let go of the outside world (the same as going to sleep, but without losing consciousness).
Now I want you to do an exercise that I have prepared just for you.
I created this exercise to change my way of thinking and I used it to write this document
(1) This must be done when you are all alone and won't be disturbed.
(2) I want you to find a comfortable chair with a back rest.
(3)Loosen your belt, take your shoes off and remove any clothing that is uncomfortable.
(4) Make the room as dark as you can and visualize a large movie screen 6 to 10 feet in front of you.
(5) Make yourself real comfortable. Close your eyes and imagine yourself projected on the screen. You are playing the leading roll. This is a movie that will be nominated for an award. This is a great movie and you are the star.
(6) Now using your visual imagination I want you to step out of the movie and enter your body.
(7) Close your eyes tighter then let them relax.
Shake your legs...Shake your arms.
(8) Roll your head slowly around 3 or 4 times. All the way to the back, to the front, side to side...
(9) All your tension should be easing out of your body and mind. I f you still feel any tension go back. Concentrate on each step, visualizing each step clearly in your mind.
(10) Now think about the problem you wish to solve. Roll it around in your mind.
(11) Send your other self back to the movie to act out your problem. Think about solutions to the problem, step into the movie and show your other self the solutions. Help your other self solve your problems. Now sit back and enjoy the movie.
(12) Anchor, Test State and Break State by counting from 10 to 1 backwards. Open your eyes, you are wide awake, you feel better and you know what you have to do to resolve your problem.
Congratulate yourself you've just successfully used affirmation and visualization to embed solutions in your subconscious mind.
The next time you do this exercise squeeze your thumb and finger together before you start and you should drop right into the state. Each time you do the exercise you'll get better. The time will come that when you test state you will go right into a light trance. By regular use of this exercise you can get rid of your bad habits, replace them with good habits, change the course of your life, and by all means change your way of thinking. All the good things in life can be yours.
Now I’m going to give you a simple exercise that will work marvelous wonders.
The more relaxed you are the more powerful this exercise. Make sure you anchor and test anchor as explained.
(1) Think of what you want more of in a future situation (Ecstasy, Joy, Happiness, Creativity, Confidence, Compassion, etc.)
(2) Breath deep breaths and take yourself deeper into a trance. Deeper and Deeper. (Each time you do this you’ll be able to go deeper)
(3) Imagine a time in the future that would allow you feel this resource. A time when you’ feel it the strongest. Put your body and mind right into this place or time. Take yourself deeper.
(4) Completely associate with this experience. See what you saw, hear what you heard, feel what you felt. Make the colors brighter and brighter and make the sounds louder and louder. Anchor these feelings by squeezing your finger and thumb.
(5) Take note to where these feelings are in your body. What color would give you these feelings? Imagine spreading that color throughout your body slowly, up and down. When the feelings are amplified squeeze your finger and thumb to capture the feeling.
(6) Now snap out of it. (Break state of mind) Look around the room. Remember something important.
(7) Test Anchor: Squeeze your finger and thumb together. If you have done the above steps right you should feel those feelings coming back.
(8) Congratulate yourself, this is important because it re-enforces the thought in your mind that that you can do this exercise
This exercise is referred to as a supreme resource state. It can be used to empower personal changes. Resource states are states of mind that can be used to positively reprogram your past, present and future.
I have given you three powerful exercises that will put you on the Highway to Success. I want to continue this trip with you, in my next book Cashes Secrets, the real secrets to success.
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